Having just sold two Chico condominiums and listed two others it occurred to me that perhaps the golden era of the condo is finally upon us, when the much maligned townhouse realizes it’s full potential in the real estate pantheon…or not.
A recent article intimated that condos or condo-like housing developments would be the dwelling of choice in the coming decade, as retirees, empty nesters and young buyers recover from the real estate bust and prepare for a more fiscally conservative, lwo maintenance and socially connected housing plan. So I did a little data sleuthing to find out just how condos are faring in today’s marketplace.
As the bubble ‘leaked’ and housing sales slowed in 2006 condos took the first and worst blow as buyers retreated to the more predictable values of single family homes. Now that it appears that we are on the backside of the slump condo sales are actually holding their own, with price per foot values approaching those of single family residences (SFR).
Looking at sales within a five mile circle centering on downtown Chico from October 2009 to present, there have been 33 condos sold compared to 420 SFR’s, although this figure is deceptive due to the fact that there exist far fewer condos in the area. Houses still sold quicker than condos, averaging 74 days on the market compared to 129 for condos. More telling is the closing gap between average price per foot. While houses sold at $166 on average during this period, condos (always cheaper to construct) sold for 87% of what houses sold for – or $145 per foot.
If you too suspect that condos may be the newest old thing in the coming years, there are currently 40 of them (compared to 293 houses) for you to choose from.
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