With so many homeowners facing financial challenges these days and the threat of foreclosure, good Samaritans in communities around the country are stepping forward to help.
An article in the Chicago Tribune, distributed by RISMedia provides examples from around the country of community groups and individuals that are volunteering to personally visit homeowners who are behind on their mortgage payment and offer assistance in preparing the paperwork necessary to obtain loan modifications. According to the article an “estimated 3.2 million delinquent borrowers nationally that may be eligible for a mortgage modification under the federal government’s Home Affordable Modification Program”.
An article in the Chicago Tribune, distributed by RISMedia provides examples from around the country of community groups and individuals that are volunteering to personally visit homeowners who are behind on their mortgage payment and offer assistance in preparing the paperwork necessary to obtain loan modifications. According to the article an “estimated 3.2 million delinquent borrowers nationally that may be eligible for a mortgage modification under the federal government’s Home Affordable Modification Program”.
In a similar effort, Bank of America is enlisting community minded homeowners in Chicago to counsel their neighbors who are delinquent in their mortgage payments to seek loan modifications. Bank of America reportedly has an estimated 990,000 home loans in danger of default nationally.
Could a program of this nature work in the Chico area? Perhaps a local civic group, fraternal organization or church group could mobilize to the cause, or maybe adjacent homeowners – concerned with the well-being of their neighbors and the declining neighborhood home values that come with nearby foreclosures could be affective in helping.